Sunday 17 August 2008


No time or energy to write, but I can share some photos! =D

Even though I've done loads of things and seen loads of things and been loads of places, I think you'll be able to tell what the best part of my holiday is:

Jen and Mya

Surfer dude bubbs
Mac climbing up the auntie... after which he jumps backwards all the way down to the ground

The Bubbs in a 'snort' shovel, at the Lake County Fair

A very long day... on the train ride home
At the Pierogi Fest in Whiting
Always smiling, that's my nephew!
Round and round, up and down!

'Driving' a tractor at the fair

Aren't we cute?

I'm having a great time, if you can't tell.... The kiddos are fantastic, and it's great to be hanging out with Jen and Saum, too. Yay for family holidays! I promise, one of these days I'll write about what's going on.... =D


Jennie B said...

Thanks for not putting up any of those retched pics of me, ahem. :)

So the next blog will be about our tattoos? Right?

Mrs4444 said...

Thanks for the photo update! I'm happy or you :)

Barb said...

Great pics! I'm happy to see you're having a great visit with your fam. We need to talk again soon!