Monday 17 May 2010

Garden Envy, Part Two

As I was walking home from uni one day last week, I snapped some more spring bloom photos.  Nearly all of these came from people's very nice front gardens, which made me very sad about the sorry state of our back garden.  I'm glad I get to see and enjoy other people's lovely gardnes, but dang.  Anyway, here they are, the lovelies. 
This gorgeous tree is at Kings, between the CASS offices and the Pavilion sports area.
These next few are from a wee strip of grassy-ness behind what used to be the Butchart rec centre, just before you get to Orchard Walk... or Orchard Place...
These couple are from the Orchard area, where all the streets are called Orchard something.  
The rest are from King Street, homes on the left as I leave uni and walk home. 
I caught several flashes of red jumping out at me.  Always exciting.  =)
The weather was totally crazy this day-- hail, sleet, rain, wind, sun, snow... all in rotating fifteen minute increments.  I got hailed on as I was coming home, but the sun was still out.  So I got lucky.  I got these photos relatively unscathed. 



Barb said...

As always, I love the flower pics. Especially the tulips and daisies. So pretty!

Amie V said...

i loved the tulips and daisies, too. some of my faves. maybe next year i can actually use our garden... ha.

tammiemg said...

love the photos of all the flowers - you are determined! I've passed so many pretty bunches of irises and other flowers this spring. I know some of it has to do with the fact that I nearly drive everywhere I go - if I walked I might be more likely to point and shoot - but still, I love the picture bouquets you offer us to enjoy!