Tuesday 25 March 2008

The Sun'll Come Out....

Tomorrow! Or at least I hope so... it's been a freezing, snowy and wet several days. And I've gotten waylaid by weather and social events and working... so I'm a day behind in my one-a-week posting. But a real post'll have to wait for the sun to come out again, or at least until tomorrow, ha! Sorry... but check back in, I'll even have photos! =)

Happy Easter!

edit: This is for you, Jen! ;)


Barb said...

Looking forward to some photos and an update on your life. I hope you get some sunshine soon too. It's beautiful here right now - in the mid 60s to low 70s, sunny, beautiful. Sorry, don't want to make you jealous.

Jennie B said...

What, no sound clip? no youtube? You can't just sing that song without a sample! Gets stuck in peoples heads.

Has it been a week already? EEk!

Happy Weather!

Barb said...

Love the video! That's one of my favorite musicals.

Jennie B said...

AH, I love that song, and that musical. Thanks for adding it! You made my day!