Oh look! A post that isn't about a TV show! Wow....
There was a good bit going on in my university life, other than just studying. One of the cool things I got to do was to be an official proofreader for a real published book. It was awesome! I am such a grammar nazi, and I notice every mistype, whether I am looking for them or not, which makes me a natural proofreader. I think I may have missed my calling, ha! Anyway, it was my supervisor's book, *Singing the Ethos of God: On the Place of Christian Ethics in Scripture*, and it was an interesting read-- and I'm not just saying that because he's my supervisor. =) There are only two typos in the whole thing... one in a section that was added after I proofed it, and, funny enough, the spelling of my name. Not just the spelling, actually, but my whole name: I'm Annie, of all things. But my super was horrified, and promised the second edition would get it right. ;) Oh well. I know he knows my name, at least... and I found a new way to pay my bills if I ever need it.
Speaking of paying the bills, I have been fortunate enough to get some work at uni this year, as well. I started in January as a reader, scribe, and invigilator during the exam period for students with disabilities. Basically, I do just what it sounds like: read the questions out, or write what the student tells me, and make sure there is no cheating going on. It pays well, at nearly 10 pounds an hour, for nearly three hours an exam, and it's easy work for me. I'm used to writing essays and all, so that's no problem, and it's also nice to be working with people. I did the invigilating (that's the making sure there's no cheating bit) in January, and again in June. Then in the fall, for the new term, I got hired on as a note-taker and proofreader through the same department. I took notes a couple of days a week, for students in the Law Departments, and Language and Literature. It was quite fun, actually, to be back in classes and learning new things. I never met the students I was taking notes for, but that was okay. The work was easy and enjoyable, and the pay is very good. I'm hoping to get more of the same for this term....
I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I have an awesome office. I don't go in very often, as I like being able to work from home... but when I do go in, it is great. There are ten of us in there, and we aren't just all work-- we play some, too! This year, we had one party to celebrate one of our number graduating. It was a grand send off, with food and wine and general merriment. It was nice to be able to celebrate a friend's accomplishment, and to look forward in hope to the time when we can celebrate for each of the rest of us, as well. We also had an excellent office Christmas party, again with food and wine and festive fellowship. It was really great, as we included wives and kids-- so we had four little ones running/crawling around, giving us free live entertainment. I don't often get to see these ladies, and it was nice to catch up with them over wine and mince pies. =) We ended the year with a Christmas lunch for the *Left Behinds*-- those of us who were staying in Aberdeen for the holidays. There were six of us, and it was lovely (it would have been lovelier if I could have had something other than soup, but my poor throat was sore. Still, the company was fabulous!). We pulled our crackers, and wore our crowns, and read our cheesy jokes, and enjoyed ourselves immensely on our break from studying ourselves silly. I really do love my office, and the fact that they still include me, even though I don't come in as regularly as many of the rest do. I know how incredibly lucky I am to be in there-- I love my office!
Finally, I don't know if this counts officially as an university issue, but it is related. My visa expired at the end of December, and I've been trying to get it renewed. However, it seems that government agencies are the same from country to country-- never a straight answer, out to take as much money as they can for as little in return as possible. It took me a few weeks to get all my paperwork in order, and to meet with an international student adviser to make sure everything was in order so that my renewal would go smoothly. Yeah, right. Honestly, it wasn't her fault-- but things have not, so far, gone smoothly. I got it sent in just in time, but it was returned to me after the first of the year. The letter said there was an issue with my payment (which is an unbelievable near-300 pounds), and that I should read the paragraph next to the ticked box to find out what the exact nature of the problem was. But, of course, none of the boxes were ticked. My student adviser said that they have applications returned for the same *reason* all the time, and they've never been able to get any answers as to what the exact problem is. She told me to just choose another payment method and send the whole thing back in. I did that, and haven't yet heard anything from them. So technically, I am an illegal alien just now... hopefully they'll take my money this time (the thieves!) and actually give me a visa extension this time. If they don't, I have no idea what I'll do....
Well I will be your proof reader. LMAO! Mice pies, you had me rolling with that one sis. IMO, spelling and grammar go hand in hand and I don't acknowledge either. hahahaha.
Thats cool that your office is so nice. I miss parties at the office. They were always fun! You know us teachers no how to kick back! Maybe one day I will return to the land of party when the kids are old enough.
Good luck with you visa.
I left same grammatical errors in my post so you can brush up and keep current. LOL!
Cool pic of Uni! Yes, you're right, the office there is very nice, whether you show up every day like I did, or once during the semester like you! =) I know, I'm exaggerating. I'm glad you guys are still getting together and enjoying life. Tell everyone hello for me next time you see them. And hope that Visa comes through soon!
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