Wednesday 28 May 2008


I just need to vent a little... and maybe someone out there will be able to tell me what the heck is going on....

I can't see my own blog. Or anyone else's blog, who is with Blogger. I am logged in fine, I can post (obviously), I can edit my page things (like books I've read), I can access every single freakin' thing... except my blog. I can't link to it through my dashboard, I can't go directly there by typing in the address, I can't get to it from external links like on Facebook. Neither can I read my sister's blog, or Barb's blog, or any of my other friends' blogs. Well, almost none of them-- because they are almost all here, on blogger!

I just get a 'problem loading page-- connection timed out error'. Every. Single. Time. For two whole days! (Which, yes, means that I haven't actually seen the one I posted yesterday. I didn't even know if it had posted, until y'all started commenting. Sheesh.) My internet is fine, every other page loads just fine, and there are no other problems at all... just with seeing blogs. Which is highly aggravating!

So I just needed to share that. Because I'm ticked, and Blogger is being of no help at the moment. Bah! =(


Jennie B said...

I think you compy is telling you to get to work!

Amie V said...

Apparently it's the ISP blocking the blogger-specific address. Why, I have no idea. But there are a few of us who are all having the same problem. Damn TalkTalk! Cheaper is not always better, apparently.

Barb said...

That's really frustrating. I hope you can figure it out soon.

Jennie B said...

I told you you needed to check the content on your blog. That "XXX Aberdeen Girlz Live" entry probably put a "warning" up to the blogger central.

bwa ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Sorry Amie. And why am I just learning of your blog now? Hmmm, I'll have to bookmark it though.

Anonymous said...

GRRRRR! That would tick me off, too. (Jennies' comments are pretty funny, huh?) I hope this has been fixed!

I just realized I don't see the award I gave you! Better get that fixed!! Here's the link, when you do: